Monday, February 28, 2011


Well, it has been a little bit since I've blogged... and here we are on spring break!

Thank GOD... I need this break. And Jon is going to be away for weapons training until Thursday, so it's just Tyler and me... and I will be taking Tyler to daycare for half days this week so I can get some spring cleaning done.

It's kind of lame that most college kids on spring break go out partying and go to the beach, and I'm here at home cleaning for fun. LOL! I don't much care... those days are far behind me. In a way, I am glad to have this free time alone to straighten the house out, because even when Jon's home and keeps an eye on Tyler for me, most of the time not much gets done.

We're in the process of starting to try for baby #2... some might think we're nuts for trying right now, especially after I just started school again, but I think now is a good time for us. The age gap will be good between kids, and I don't want to wait too long. I feel confident that I will be successful in school while pregnant and even after delivery, so we begin this month (March) of starting... I already ordered two 50-packs of ovulation strips and pregnancy test strips lol! I've been charting my morning basal body temperature every day since last weekend, and keeping a little journal on my laptop of how I feel each day and so hopefully we can figure out when I'm most fertile and get lucky. Perhaps we'll have a December 2011 baby! :o)

I have plenty more to say... but lunch time is calling my name, and I need to eat!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Another week down in my college career. Last week was an odd one. This week is turning out to be not so bad. I am almost positive I will be bipolar when this semester is all said and done.

So far this week I got to retake the physics test I failed miserably at, which is awesome. I felt pretty good about it. Then I had Italian class on Monday but I'm starting to feel kinda wishy-washy on it. I NEED index cards and I NEED to review the new vocabulary words. I usually do really well learning new vocabulary, but throw in verb conjugations and we're gonna have some issues. Ack.

Monday night I had my 10 minute Power Point presentation for my Engineering Design class. I did my project on cloth diapers... pretty original, considering most of the other topics were crazy like nuclear fission reactors or railguns or different types of sailboats. I was surprised with myself even. Unfortunately, I only made it to a little over 8 minutes, but that was pretty good considering the first 2 people were REALLY short (like 5 and 6 minutes, respectively). I got a few laughs out of the audience. And in class we are all doing peer grading/reviews and at the end of class we are supposed to choose the best presentation of the evening. I was the best one Monday night, which means a lot coming from a class consisting mostly of males (I think there are about 26 guys and maybe 5 girls) and I got some compliments as people were leaving class. That made me feel really awesome... who would have thought a bunch of young college guys would find a presentation on cloth diapers to be interesting and *slightly* cool???

Last night I had our end of season Upward sports league celebration. My peewee cheerleading squad performed their short dance routine and our "funky chicken" cheer, which got more laughs. (In case you didn't notice, I enjoy making people laugh!) They did really well. I was SO proud of all of them!!! Really, it felt like I was their mom for a little bit lol. But I will really miss those crazy girls, they were a lot of fun. However, it will be nice to have my Tuesday nights back to myself again.

I found out last night that a guy in my Reserves drill unit was murdered over the weekend. I have dealt with the death of family and friends before, and even when I was on deployment in 2007 one of my shipmates passed away while we were out at sea which was crazy and strange, but I didn't know her personally so although it was sad to have lost a fellow sailor, I wasn't emotionally attached. It hits me weird because during drill 2 weekends ago, I was sitting with this guy and helping him spell words in an email he was sending to one of our chiefs, and joking around with him, and went and got lunch at the Naval hospital with him (and a bunch of other guys in our unit). I mean, it's not like we were best friends or anything, but to have known someone and they were just alive not that long ago and now they suffered a pretty horrific death is something different to digest. I think he had kids too, he wasn't much older than me.

From a sociological standpoint, I've noticed in different social situations that groups of people act very differently toward each other depending on the nature of the environment. Like when I go to drill, all the military people I encounter are very easy to talk to and you just seem to fall right into an easy friendship or relationship with them, I think because we are all sharing some kind of unspoken brotherhood and you know that if we were in any kind of crazy situation, the person you're sitting next to during training could very well be the person who saves your life. In school, I think a lot of the kids in my classes are still stuck in the high school mentality of looking cool or whatever, so based on looks alone (or if you open your mouth and speak) they are quick to judge right then and there and choose who they associate with that way. Annoying, yes. I wish I could understand why people act that way. I think after having been in the Navy I don't have much of a problem talking to random people. But this subject is neither here nor there and I could go on for a while about it.

Anyway... was just supposed to meet and work with my computer science lab partner on some Java pages for class, but looks like it's not happening, because neither one of us has our textbook for the class and we need it to complete the assignment. Dammit.

I guess if it's warmed up a bit I could go walk around campus for giggles...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I've been slacking on my blogging.

It's been busy. Maybe not physically busy, but mentally busy. I'm trying to keep things straight and organized but once in a while I lose my mind or just say screw it and blow things off because I can't handle the stress. I swear this first semester back in school is a rollercoaster of all kinds of proportions. Mental, emotional, physical, whatever. I have good days and bad days. I have bipolar days. Like yesterday for example... went all day at school feeling GREAT... got home and right before dinner it felt like stuff was unraveling and I was pissed off.

I guess I'm just checking in here. I'm at school again for another "Pizza My Mind" series and this week they have Northrop Grumman presenting. I'm still gunning for the NASA internship but I'm going to get some info with NG since Jon might unfortunately be out of the Navy soon unless they get their s*** together. They're playing puppetmasters right now and jerking him around on a string and can't give him any straight answers which sucks because I hate not knowing anything and being in limbo with decision-making.

Looks like it will be a pretty small turnout for this thing. Damn. Last week was kinda packed... I guess NASA is cooler??? Hmm. It makes me feel badly for the presenters in a sense, but maybe they don't really care because they're getting paid to be here anyway whether people show up or not, and I know they have great jobs, I just don't think the average partying college kid has any idea.

Now I'm rambling. I have Italian after this. I bombed the quiz we had in there Monday so I'm thinking I need to make myself some fabulous study aids, AKA index cards with vocab words. Woohoo.